Hello – My name is Morten Just Jensen and I live in Denmark a very small and flat country in Europe and I am the photographer on this blog. I am nothing but an amateur at this photographing stuff but I’ me learning every day. The thing I like the most is to get the shot in the box and the only thing I have to do when I get home is to tag and bag it. I often see that people make adjustments to the pictures to either make it look like something special or to create an impact on the viewer. You see it all over the net you will say well where is the real world then?
I don’t have any main preference to what I photograph as long as what I see get on the picture. Please fell free to comment on any of the pictures as long as it’s constructive to what you see. Remember there is mainstream photographing and I’ me not one of them. I would rather say that you will have to look at the picture and think for yourself. If the viewer sees something else you can consider it to be art.
What is art? In my opinion art is when the person that see hear or fell a different thing from what the artist created.
I hope that you will enjoy what you see on this page and comment on it… Thanks for the time that you used here.
Morten Just Jensen
More about me in danish
You can reach me at morten[AT]opticview[DOT]dk
replace [AT] with @ and [DOT] with .
Do you like what you see and want to see more the donate an amount to the equipment. Thanks in advance for your donation.